Odoo Experience

Discover how to manage all your business needs in one platform !
Odoo Experience is the largest open source business software event in the world. The perfect occasion to discover all the Odoo apps and features that will revolutionize the way you run your business. No more time loss in Excel sheets, everything can be managed in a few clicks. From accounting to human resources, Odoo has everything you need. 

Don't miss this event and join the Odoo community.

350+ talks giving you insights and demonstrations of Odoo features. Learn how to best use them and how they contributed to the success of other companies.
20,000+ attendees with unlimited networking opportunities. Forge connections with industry leaders, and engage with the entire Odoo community.
150+ exhibitors to answer your questions and guide you on your business growth.
2 evening parties to relax after the long day.

Practical information
October 2nd and 3rd: From 9am to 6pm
October 4th: From 9am to 3pm

Brussels Expo, Hall 10
Brussels Expo
Place de Belgique
1020 Laeken
- Réservation préférable
à partir de 18 ans
Odoo Odoo suivre (20/03/2024)

Mercredi: de 9:00 à 23:30
Jeudi: de 9:00 à 23:30

Le 2 octobre

>> Autres dates pour Odoo Experience


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