Wrap and Plan Your New Year

Join us for a reflective and empowering afternoon as we wrap up and enter the new year with intention and clarity.

This event is for anyone who wants to reflect on the past year, gain insights from their experiences, and lay the foundation for a purposeful and fulfilling . 

Mainly for Retired Professionals who are looking for ways to use their gifts and talents in useful activities and projects.
But also for those at the professional crossroads - career transitions, wanting to start an independent activity.

For more information and registration, visit this website:
The Sister Brussels Café
Rue Chair et Pain, 3 1000 Brussels Belgium
1000 Bruxelles
20 EUR
à partir de 18 ans

Cet évènement est terminé. Pour retrouver ce même évènement prochainement, faites une recherche sur le site.


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