Sex Positive : What does it mean and what do we do ?

We will be running three unique workshops through-out the afternoon, but feel free to drop by at any time and chat with one of our volunteers. We'll have a dedicated corner set up as a library, where you can sit, relax and learn all about what being Sex Positive means, and why it doesn't mean having lots of sex ! (And if you're worried about language, there will always be volunteers around that speak French, Dutch and English fluently)

Every workshop will start with a short introduction by one of the team to give you an idea as to what we're all about, so make sure you're on time !

14:15 – Workshop 1- Communication Games & Letter-Soup
Let the fun begin ! In this workshop we will use games to teach you how to better practice consent as well as stating and accepting your boundaries and those of others. Letter soup is a fun and interactive game where we go through the alphabet and take Sex Positive words for each letter and then define/discuss them, showing you just how uniquely each person can define a certain word !

15:15 – Workshop Open discussion : Migration and diversity linked to sexuality and relations

Lieu : Salle Lollepot, Rue de la Chaufferette 3

Entrée libre
Salle Lollepot
3, Rue de la Chaufferette
1000 Bruxelles
à partir de 18 ans

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