Nathan Gabriel Piano: Meditation, Inspiration, Elevation

Originally from Namur, Nathan Gabriel is a ear-old neoclassical pianist, composer and performer. He trained first as a self-taught and later at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels.

Influenced by great neoclassical figures such as Max Richter, Olafùr Arnalds or Nils Frahm, he created his solo project in , during a retreat in the depths of Sweden. He worked on his own sound with his calm personality, and started transferring this new sound to the public a few months later in his concerts.

He then embarked on the recording of a first ep ‘Calm Iii’, wishing to create a meditative experience out of time.

With this new ep ‘Calm Iii’ and a team of young enthusiasts he started touring in Belgium to share his energy and soothing music.

Art Base, Wednesday 11/1 15E ( reduced 10E for students under nd jobseekers),
ue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info
15( reduit 10)
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