Maysan Trio: Tammam Ramadam-Tarek Alsayed Yahya-Simon Leleux

Tammam Ramadan is Ney player and teacher of Ney.
He was Born in Aleppo in 1994, graduated from music school in Aleppo , then he was teacher of Ney in the same school in , Tammam was member in many bands such as Aleppo music school band, Ramal and Wajd, Refuges for Refuges, Violet, Broukar, and he did many concerts in Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Switzerland,Sweden,Poland Belgium, For the moment he is teacher of Ney in the academy of Muziekpublique in Brussels.
Tarek Alsayed Yahya studied Oud and music in the city of Aleppo and then he was a teacher in the music schools of Aleppo until , currently he teachs at the Academy of Music in Sint-Niklaas. Tarek was a member in music groups and projects such as Nawa band (oriental and sufi music), Mayada Bselis group (modern oriental music), Dopamine band (trails in Jazz), Ramal band (oriental music), Oración project with Royaumont, Wajd ensemble and recorded the first cd of Wajd (musique d'alep) with Musiq3.
Een Vlaams-Syrische ontmoeting) with Violet orchestra, Refugees for Refugees with Muziekpublique, Exodus projet with La Barraca, Tarek participated in workshops and concerts in Syria, Lebanon, Tunisia, Turkey, France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, The Netherlands and Belgium.
Simon Leleux fait partie de ces musiciens qui se dédient à leur instrument jusqu'à en maîtriser les plus fines particularités. Spécialisé en percussions du Moyent-Orient, il pratique en particulier la derbuka et le doholla. Ayant suivi les enseignements du maître Levent Yildirim, il se nourrit d'influences diverses, de la musique indienne à la musique des Balkans en passant par l'Iran, l'Arménie, la Turquie. Simon se produit entre autres avec les ensembles suivants : Auster Loo, HiM, Seyir trio, Belevant, Refugees for Refugees, Recrues d'Essence, Mediterranean quartet, Toine Thys & Ihab Radwan.

Art Base, Thursday 7/11/19 1E ( reduced 7E for students under nd jobseekers),
ue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to
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