Fr : Apprenez le saxophone ou perfectionnez-vous avec un musicien professionnel réputé.
Quels que soient votre style préféré, votre niveau et votre âge, je vous propose une méthode simple et efficace pour l'apprentissage du rythme, de l'interprétation et de l'improvisation.
Accompagnement au piano et à la batterie, enregistrements.
Série de 10 cours (60 min) : 300€
Cours exceptionnel (75 min) : 40€
ENG : Learn how to play the saxophone or improve your playing with a well known professional musician. For any style level or age, I can provide a simple and efficient method to learn and improve rhythm, interpretation and improvisation. Play along with piano, drums, recordings.
10 classes series (60 min) : 300€
Special one time class (75 min) : 40€LAURENT Doumont is a saxophone player, singer-songwriter from Brussels,
mainly in the Soul Jazz idiom.. Self thaught musician at first, he also learned with the best musicians around, from Brussels to New-York. For about 20 years, he’s been successfully directing his own projects, featuring the most soulful jazz musicians of Belgium and abroad. He played a major role in the great bands of Daniel Romeo and Marc Lelangue.
The free-lance part of his career let him play with names such as Fred Wesley, Boney M, George Mc Crae, Percy Sledge and on a very special evening with James Brown.
Réponse très rapide par rapport à ma demande. Un grand merci