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Vernissage - The Glint: The spark that drives action

Join us for the launch of The Glint an exhibition for emerging artists ABOUT The Glint Glint is that little moment of reflection, the manifestation of an idea that suddenly pushes us to discuss, debate, demand or highlight a subject or theme that is close to our hearts, whether it's the issue of biodiversity, social justice, privilege, democracy...

Vernissage - The Glint: The spark that drives action

Full Circle House
Chaussee de Vleurgat 89
1050 Ixelles
Téléphone: +3226443777

Tarif: Gratuit
Public: à partir de 14 ans
Internet: https://fullcircle.eu/event-5644500
Jeudi : de 18:45 à 19:00 et 19:10 à 21:00Le 23 mai
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