Concerts > Pop, Rock

The Luka State (UK)

Début des préventes : 07.05 - 10h Hailing from Winsford, on the outskirts of Manchester, The Luka State are doing gritty rock n' roll their own way. Fronted by Conrad Ellis, the four-piece's debut album Fall In Fall Out' turned heads with its blend of catchy choruses and big riffs, even in the midst of a pandemic. Now, their latest release More Than This' hits even harder, tackling issues like mental health, love, and societal neglect. “Music has always been therapy for me,” says Conrad Ellis, and it shows. These guys aren't just making music they're spreading a message. Préventes : 20.50€ (tous frais compris)

The Luka State (UK)

Zik Zak Concert Hall
Rue de Tubize 28
1460 Virginal-Samme

Tarif: Préventes : 20.5€ (tous frais compris)
Public: à partir de 5 ans
Internet: https://

Mercredi : de 20:00 à 23:45Le 4 décembre
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