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A release party & salon with Nell Watson

Effective policy for the next generation of advanced ai models Discover the groundbreaking potential of agentic ai systems and their impact on our world. Nell Watson's new book, "Taming the Machine," explores the principles and human implications of this technology, addressing crucial topics like bias, privacy, and transparency. Join us for the book release event and an enlightening presentation by Nell, offering insights on responsible ai use and policy solutions.

A release party & salon with Nell Watson

Full Circle House
Chaussee de Vleurgat 89
1050 Ixelles
Téléphone: +3226443777 - Pas de réservation

Tarif: Ticket standard : 25 euros, Student : 12,50 euros
Public: à partir de 14 ans
Mercredi : de 17:45 à 18:00 et 18:30 à 21:30Cet évènement est terminé. Pour retrouver ce même évènement prochainement, faites une recherche sur le site.
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