Concerts > Musique du Monde

Indian Dream- Karo Trio

Fabrice de Graef ( bansuri), Daniel Schell ( tiptar), Carlo Strazzante ( tabla, percussion)The Karo Trio is made of three musicians who have been practicing Indian music for years. They have been traveling through Europe and of course India. They were even invited by the Indian Government to perform through India. That was their Indian Dream ! Since then they perform regularly. The music a set of compositions written by Daniel Schell and based on Indian concepts, but involving also elements of New Music. Fabrice de Graef is a virtuoso bansuri player who studied with Hariprasad Chaurasia and Harsh Wardhan. He is able to perform Indian classical as well as bebob jazz and Gaellic music. Base, Wednesday 1/5/24 17h, 15E ( reduced 10E for students under 26 and jobseekers), 29 rue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to

Indian Dream- Karo Trio

Art Base Espace Expos et Concerts
Rue Des Sables 29
1000 Bruxelles
Téléphone: 02 217 29 20 - Réservation préférable

Tarif: 15( reduit 10)
Public: Tous publics

Mercredi : de 17:00 à 20:00Cet évènement est terminé. Pour retrouver ce même évènement prochainement, faites une recherche sur le site.
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