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Duplicate Bridge

Are you an experienced female bridge player, fluent in English and looking for a game of Five Card Major ? Then you are most welcome to join our Duplicate Bridge Meets on Monday mornings. Timing: registration is at 09:45, play starts promptly at 10:00 and does not end until 13:00. Playing fee: your first meet is free, afterwards it is € 8 per meet. (If you decide to join the Brussels Women's Club, then the playing fee is only € 3.) Players are expected to come with a partner, but if you don't have one, please contact activities@brusselswomens.club at least 4 days in advance and we'll try to help.

Duplicate Bridge

The Clubhouse
509 Rue au Bois
1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre

Tarif: € 8
Public: à partir de 20 ans
Internet: https://www.brusselswomens.club

Lundi : de 9:45 à 13:00
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