Conférences > Développement Personnel

Deep Thought Series

In the Deep Thought series, Andreea offers opportunities to interrogate our ideas of what is normal and desirable in society. Together we walk towards the mindset shifts that are needed to protect our planet, make the world safe and ensure lives and dignity and meaning for all. Deep Thought is a space for courage and authenticity, with no stone left unturned. We build trust, encourage each other and take action together.What happens to trust in a transactional world? What does a selfish society do for our happiness? What does meaningful work mean in an era of precarity, automation and uncertainty? What is society for? Join us for our monthly conversations.

Deep Thought Series

Full Circle House
Chaussee de Vleurgat 89
1050 Ixelles
Téléphone: 026443777 - Pas de réservation

Tarif: Ticket standard : 18 euros, Concessions : 12 euros
Public: à partir de 14 ans
Samedi : de 16:30 à 17:00 et 17:30 à 19:00Cet évènement est terminé. Pour retrouver ce même évènement prochainement, faites une recherche sur le site.
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